Love is the highest and purest state of joy, completely immersed in the moment, totally devoid of fear. And when we gaze upon another from this purely joyful state of being, we are showering that person with love energy that flows from us to them. Love is the very essence of our being. Love is alignment with the pure perfection of Universe/God/Source/our soul. This alignment emits a scientifically measurable energetic vibrational frequency that can be felt and received by others.

We often speak of loving ice cream, music, movies, pets or food. If we look upon something or have an experience and find ourselves in the state of pure joy, completely immersed in the moment, totally devoid of fear, we are in a “state of love” through deep appreciation.

Pure love, in addition to joy and deep appreciation, feels like contentment, satisfaction, peace, bliss, elation, euphoria, or exhilaration. And when two people hold one another in the gaze of pure love, pure joy, completely immersed in the moment, totally devoid of fear, giving and receiving….it is magical. For the combined energy of two in the state of joyful loving is immensely powerful.

When we look upon another and see the perfection of their essence, their soul, we are looking through the eyes of love/Universe/God/Source/our soul. Love is the way of a joyful and happy life. Love is where our power resides to live life fully.

If we look to another to make us feel loved when they are in a state of disharmony and disconnected from their inner joy, we are “looking for love in all the wrong places”. A person who is feeling disharmony or disconnect isn’t capable of flowing love energy in those moments. From this “looking for love in all the wrong places” has come the misperception that love hurts or is painful. Genuine love is at the opposite end of the emotional spectrum from pain.

Unconditional love means being in the state of joy despite conditions around us. With unconditional love, we choose to practice appreciation and focus upon what is good and positive, rather than upon conditions we dislike. We cultivate the ability to more consistently remain in the state of joy despite conditions, circumstances and events around us.

It is so easy to look upon a little child and see their beauty and perfection and thus flow love to them. When we focus upon adults we sometimes fall into the pattern of noticing how they could improve, or we create specific conditions or expectations for them to meet in order for us to feel love(d). This creates a scenario where we are externally focused, trying to control conditions around us to feel love. If instead we choose to focus upon a person’s perfection, their soul essence, and feel deep appreciation for what is positive in general, we may create harmony and joy within this connection, and immense joy within ourselves. For love is the highest, purest state of joy, that flows…from within.  Nancy Pavlicek