What is Past Life Regression and Parallel Life Access?

Nancy PavlicekPast Life Regression is a process of retrieving past life memories.  Similar to past life regression is the retrieval of information from parallel lives.

Your subconscious mind is a storehouse of information, similar to a computer drive. It stores the memories, experiences, information, behaviors, and habits from this lifetime, and your past lives.  In the relaxed state of hypnosis, you are able to recall or access information that is of value to you at this time in your life.


Benefits of Past Life Regression and Parallel Life Access:

Simply viewing past or parallel life patterns can give you greater perspective on your current beliefs, behaviors, habits and attitudes and have a positive impact on this life.

  • Release fears and phobias by viewing the root cause in other lifetimes.
  • Transform current relationships by viewing the soul connection in a past life. Understand this life’s relationship patterns and attitudes by viewing past patterns.
  • Shift toward greater physical wellness. Health issues in this life sometimes have roots and patterns in other lifetimes.
  • Shed light on your current hopes and dreams.
  • Alleviate negative belief and behavior patterns by viewing these same patterns   in other lifetimes.  Sometimes these patterns are shown to reoccur in multiple lifetimes.
  • Understand reoccurring dreams.


Are these lives real?

That is a question that science hasn’t answered, yet many people’s experiences with recalling past and/or parallel lives is cause for belief in this process as an avenue for personal expansion.  If you have a belief that your soul is eternal, then reincarnation and past lives would seem valid.

Much research has been done with multitudes of people that have had spontaneous past and/or parallel life memories.  Specific details of these memories were checked for validity.  Recalled memories, names, addresses and dates were clearly shown to be valid.

Child prodigies that come into this life with amazing talent could indicate talent from past or parallel lives: (1) Mozart composing at age 4; (2) Aelita Andre who began painting at 9 months of age and had her first solo art exhibit in Manhattan when she was 4 years old.


What is a past life regression session like?

In Past or Parallel Life Regression, I assist you in setting a goal for your session. Things that are often focused upon are:

  1. Spiritual evolution/exploration.
  2. Situation or problem you wish to resolve.
  3. Behavior, habit or belief pattern that you wish to understand and resolve.
  4. Resolution of uncomfortable emotional patterns (examples: anxiety, fears and phobias).

Once a goal is set, I guide you into a light level of pleasant, relaxed, hypnosis.  You are aware of yourself relaxing in the chair throughout the process, as this is an interactive session.

I support you throughout the process, allowing you to feel confident, safe and secure.

You notice what you are seeing, sensing, hearing, or feeling in your mind’s eye, and offer feedback.  This feedback helps me to guide you through the process asking non-leading questions to assist you in discovering further memories.

It is good to come in trusting that your subconscious mind will allow you to access what is perfect for you in the first session.


Number of sessions required:

A minimum of two sessions is highly recommended for your success.  On the first session you will have an opportunity to clarify your goals, become comfortable with me, my space, and the feeling of being in the relaxed state of hypnosis and past life recall process.

Clients that have daily meditation or breathwork practices, or people who generally feel calm are likely to experience past lives as vivid memories in their first session, and are able to see, hear, and experience the past life.  (It is like watching a movie, only you are in the movie, and yet aware of yourself relaxing in the chair.)  Some clients require a bit more time and adaptation to the relaxation process and opening up their sensory abilities, and with repeated sessions are cable of accessing these memories.


Nancy Pavlicek’s personal experience and expertise:

Initially I was the  recipient of Past Life Regression sessions  from Brian Weiss, M.D. (www.BrianWeiss.com)   a notable psychiatrist that wrote “Many Lives Many Masters, Through Time Into Healing”.  (I highly recommend reading this book prior to your session.)  Also, in my personal journey of expansion through hypnosis, I spontaneously accessed past or parallel lives to release root causes of negative beliefs and patterns that were adversely affecting my life.    It is for this reason that I believe in this process as an avenue for personal expansion, and have offered Past Life Regression and Parallel Life Access for the past 25 years.



Media recommendations:


  • “Many Lives Many Masters” – Brian Weiss, M.D.
  • “The Many Lives of Alan Lee – A Case History” – Ormond McGill with Irvin Mordes
  • The Messengers – Julia Ingram & G. W. Hardin




I would be delighted to speak with you to answer any questions and to set an appointment.